check this:
it is a well known and obvious fact that america develops and mass-produces weapons of mass destruction — and USES them (on civilians and military alike)
then it calls iraq, iran, and north korea an “axis of evil” [more accurately the “axis of oil and strategic location”] for ALLEGED “chasing” after weapons of mass destruction
(btw, when iraq used these sorts of weapons on its own civilians in the late 80’s, america just sat by and watched and didn’t even lift a finger… in fact, they probably supplied the very weapons knowing how they’d be used)
(and also, when israel openly threatens iran with its nuclear arsenal and whatnot, what do you expect iran to do?)

these american weapons are shipped to israel to be used for the military occupation and oppression of a people who have been suppressed and repressed for over half a century, now
and when these oppressed palestinians want their own weapons to fight back, it becomes “illegal” and a “breach of trust”?
pick up on that! they’re shipping f-16’s and tanks and guns and whatnot to israel, and they use it to oppress and kill palestinian innocents and who-not, and that’s perfectly legal and is supposed to reinforce their trust?

one word: BULL this!

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