Venezuela: On Israel & Chocolate

Venezuela pulls out Israel ambassador

[Chavez] said: “The Israeli elite repeatedly criticise Hitler’s actions against the Jews, and indeed Hitler’s actions must be criticised, not just against the Jews but against the world. It’s also fascism what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people … terrorism and fascism.”

Meanwhile, undemocratic and corrupt rulers of Arab countries — nevertheless more democratic than Chavez according to the U.S. State Department — continued to fall over their faces to support Israel.

Venezuela’s chocolate revolution

They no longer sell their cocoa to local intermediaries, which have been priced out of the market, but straight to foreign chocolate manufacturers, which are willing to pay high prices for organic produce.

The farmers have joined forces to form an association of organic farmers consisting of 50 families.


Much of the funding to kickstart this new wave of organic farming came from the Venezuelan government, which has injected some $10m on research and training, as well as from the European Union via a local non-governmental organisation called Tierra Viva.


The local cocoa producers are now making forays into the production of their own chocolate bars.

El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido never tasted better. this!

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