
I’ve only formed one meaningful, potentially lasting relationship throughout my three years of university. I think it was by mistake (she e-mailed me after I addressed a class to raise funds for tsunami relief earlier this year).

It’s interesting (read: sad) how I can know hundreds of people around university, and not really know anyone.

Then you’ve got something like facebook. Apparently, I’ve got 80 “friends”. Only, I barely talk to half of them and bump into most of the rest by mistake. Many are political acquaintances (I’ve got the entire executive of SAC, except the VP UTM, on my friends list) and ASSU-related.

I’m not sure I care, either; but then why would I take the time to write it down?

  del.icio.us this!

2 Responses so far

  1. 1

    Gareth Fenley said,

    November 14, 2005 @ 5:43 am

    I enjoyed your web site. You think a lot of interesting thoughts. Also, I like your writing. I like you. I hope you get some more friends soon.

  2. 2

    Sabeen said,

    November 14, 2005 @ 11:51 pm

    i’ve often felt the same way, but look at it as maybe not being entirely accidental, there may be more to it…seems to me you care:) and at least one is a start, the meaningful ones are hard to find

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