humanitarian to a nation

this story i read really moved me, i’m amazed (thanks fahad)

Humanitarian to a Nation

Starting in 1951 with a tiny dispensary in Karachi�s poor Mithadar neighborhood, Edhi has steadily built up a nationwide organization of ambulances, clinics, maternity homes, mental asylums, homes for the physically handicapped, blood banks, orphanages, adoption centers, mortuaries, shelters for runaway children and battered women, schools, nursing courses, soup kitchens and a 25-bed cancer hospital.

it struck my as almost surreal that such a person could exist, that with the limited resources he has and the atmosphere in pakistan, he could do so much

it makes me wonder if we, here in the west with so much more, are doing nearly enough (and no, we’re not — the fundamental problem is not that of wealth or resources but that of distribution, and in as far as that problem exists nothing even remotely near enough is being done)

“My religion is humanitarianism�.. Which is basis of every religion in this world”. (sic)

Abdul Sattar Edhi

and in other news:

nomes says:
girls come and go…
nomes says:
well, they go more often than they come
ksnite says:
actually, we come and they go this!

3 Responses so far

  1. 1

    info said,

    February 16, 2005 @ 1:49 pm

    salaam nomes
    this is message to say that your blog is always a good read, and those little pearls of wisdom you drop always get me thinking. keep it up. 🙂
    (london town, uk)

  2. 2

    Goldi said,

    February 17, 2005 @ 1:01 pm

    fahad is the man. i circulated that article with force.

    ‘have you read it yet?’
    ‘shit man, ok’

  3. 3

    sabeen said,

    February 17, 2005 @ 7:23 pm

    aww, you aren’t giving up are you?

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