how to cram… this!

9 Responses so far

  1. 1

    Geo said,

    March 11, 2004 @ 12:05 am

    hhaha, thats awesome. its like a recreation of my coke can monument. mom eventually got pissed though and made me toss them out

  2. 2

    hafiz said,

    March 11, 2004 @ 12:14 pm

    …now that I’m back with family, I get the homemade-Turkish tea-version, just use the left over chai;)

  3. 3

    JDizzle said,

    March 11, 2004 @ 8:45 pm

    I had a coke pile too but it wasn’t soda cans. I’m uh… I’m clean now. It was a rough couple weeks but I’m alright.

  4. 4

    yuen said,

    March 12, 2004 @ 6:47 pm

    Three Rs: recycle, reduce, and reuse.

  5. 5

    m3` said,

    March 14, 2004 @ 8:04 am

    Laptop *cries* gimme one..

  6. 6

    wierdo said,

    March 14, 2004 @ 1:13 pm

    hmmmm impressive but not good enough beta! bet cha cant stack seven of them har har!!

  7. 7

    sal said,

    March 15, 2004 @ 8:52 am

    yo what kind of digital camera do u have?

  8. 8

    Faiza said,

    March 15, 2004 @ 1:58 pm

    Ew. Nestea is still nasty.

  9. 9

    Jo said,

    March 15, 2004 @ 5:50 pm

    I was bored so I clicked on this and now I feel really bad that I stole your Nestea that one time, since it’s apparent that you love it as much as I do.


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