You know what Nestea does? It turns you into a communist. One day, you’re feeling great as you buy a happy meal and use a Microsoft product (both can be done at the same time) but the next thing you know, the idea of socialism and equally distributing wealth among the workers strikes you as a good idea.
It happened to a guy I know. Well, knew. He’s dead now.
Anju said,
March 1, 2004 @ 9:01 pm
wow, now my curiousity about what’s in your trash can has been relieved. =) that IS a lot of nestea.
Faiza said,
March 1, 2004 @ 10:05 pm
Yiyaaaaa! Nestea: take the plunge. Never mind that Nestea is nasty.
JDizzle said,
March 6, 2004 @ 2:30 am
You know what Nestea does? It turns you into a communist. One day, you’re feeling great as you buy a happy meal and use a Microsoft product (both can be done at the same time) but the next thing you know, the idea of socialism and equally distributing wealth among the workers strikes you as a good idea.
It happened to a guy I know. Well, knew. He’s dead now.
Sana said,
March 6, 2004 @ 5:31 pm
haha..nice blog. and nice cartoons..keep it up, man…and too much nestea means…well..too much nestea.
in response to the fellow commentator jdizzle, pray tell the link between nestea and communism.;)
one would think that if you’re already buying microsoft, you’re well on your way towards becoming a commie:P
JDizzle said,
March 7, 2004 @ 12:44 am
Uh… I lost the link. In a volcano.
nomes said,
March 7, 2004 @ 2:05 am
is that why i became quasi-socialist?
damn you nestea!
give me back my big macs and my innocence!
Nestea said,
March 7, 2004 @ 11:16 pm
Never! You are a comrade now!