Using leftist language and imagery for big business purposes
I wanted to put up a quick note to bring together something that I have been noticing for a while on subways, bus shelters, and most recently on the television.
First, if you needed any more reasons to buy the HTC phone, here’s a solid one: you are now a revolutionary. An HTC phone revolutionary. Join the revolution.

Second, if you needed any more reasons to listen to hit music radio, here’s a solid one: there is a movement. The Virgin radio movement. Join the movement.

Third, if you needed any more reasons to get the flu shot, here’s three solid ones: resist missing midterms and finals, resist missing res parties, and resist missing hanging out with friends. Resist the flu. Join the resistance.

It’s that easy.
Untaken Road » Blog Archive » Using leftist language and imagery for big business purposes said,
January 5, 2010 @ 4:58 am
[…] Using leftist language and imagery for big business purposes – Third, if you needed any more reasons to get the flu shot, here’s three solid ones: resist missing midterms and finals, resist missing res… (No Ratings Yet) Loading … […]
J. Moufawad-Paul said,
February 14, 2010 @ 12:20 pm
There’s also that commercial for some cellphone service (not the same as the ad you posted at the beginning) where all these people speak of “freedom” and are shot in an agit-prop manner, holding aloft their cellphones… I’m also reminded of a Forbes advertisement I saw in New York a few years back where Soviet constructivist imagery was used for a message that read “Capitalists of the World Unite”. I took a picture of it: maybe I’ll send it to you.