Why students love ANA300 & ANA301 …

Here’s a transcript of part of an ANA301 lecture, Dr. Wiley is responding to a girl who’s just told him that he forgot to shut off one of the projectors (he uses two):

You need to tell me that if I do that — if I forgot to shut off one or the other projector you’ve got to tell me because I can’t see what’s going on behind me. If you can’t read my writing you’ve got to tell me, if you can’t hear me you’ve got to tell me, if you have a question you have to … ask it. (Laughter.)
And I tell this to all my classes: if you want to get my attention call out, okay, don’t put your hand up because I won’t see you if you put your hand up. I did see her because she’s got a yellow shirt on there (laughter) in the middle.
But it may look like I’m sweeping my head around and engaging the audience and all that kind of trap (laughter) — this is the thousand yard stare. Okay, I’m just as nervous as you would be standing in front of a large group of people and I have all the insecurities that you have (some laughter) in front of a large group of people. And so, you know, I’m not really looking to see if you have your hand up.
Not a long time ago somebody told me keep moving your head around during a lecture and don’t just look in the same direction all the time so that’s all I’m doing. (Great laughter.)….

Wiley isn’t a spectacular lecturer who jumps around and throws his arms in the air. Nothing like that. He’s a solid lecturer, who knows how to engage an audience. If you don’t know what the course is about, or if you’re an arts student, you’d walk in and fall asleep. He peppers his speech with “okays” and “you knows”. But for a science student, Wiley is probably one of the best lecturers they’ll find — even in a huge class like ANA301. Other lecturers should take tips from him.

This is part of the reason why the Anti-Calendar keeps returning rave retake values (over 90% everytime) for Wiley’s two courses, ANA300 and ANA301.

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