socialism vs. capitalism

i was watching a documentary on hugo chavez, president of venezuela
this dude is tite
anyway, he gets letters from all over the country, every day
he has a few people working on reading each and every letter, no matter how small, and these people highlight the main points and make notes
people want hugo chavez out of power, the rich people in venezuela do, because he’s a socialist and believes in properly distributing the oil wealth of the country
(where 80% of the population lives in poverty, and the rich 20% control the media… go figure)


i went to the zoo for the interview
he asked me a question and i made a fool of myself
“use four words to describe yourself”
er… :long pause: … intelligent — no, intellectual … er.. outgoing and … um … eloquent?
then a huge pause, like a minute, “i’m at a loss for words” and finally i pipe up “creative!”

yeah okay, well done
how about “conceited, stupid, jerk, slow”

i know they won’t be calling me back anytime soon…

anyway, i want to finish my chemistry model today, and my math homework
i got my styrofoam balls painted at school, with the art department’s paint, lol, liquid tempera
it’s very nice
better than the trashy spraypainting jobs i’ve seen
so hopefully it shall look cool

fun stuff this!

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