i continued my exploits at the chinese embassy today
including mopping the floors (both dry mop, and wet mop) and polishing the floors (with this machine that took me ages to master)
there’s barely anyone there
just this one guy
the ambassador’s gone on vacation (with a lot of his staff)
and they’re still having parties at the embassy… :S
anyway, if you thought english w/a chinese accent is funny, wait till you hear arabic w/a chinese accent (no offense to any of my chinese friends … as i think english w/a hindi accent is damned hilarious, too, see ….)
well the pickup i was being driven around in (to and fro the embassy) had a damaged AC
and it was damn hot, well over 40 d. celsius … i was sweating like crazy and felt dizzy at a point
but i got to see a lot of riyadh, it’s got a lot of shizzat here and there

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