check out the muslim superhero (i don’t know if he’s the first …), casbah — of my own invention

casbah 1
casbah 2

the first was a preliminary sketch of casbah, and his normal form (he, like everyone else, has the secret identity thing going)

He is of Berber descent and lives somewhere in North America (I haven’t decided yet). He gets superpowers somehow (I haven’t decided yet) and because of his new superstrength (and the fact he didn’t budge an inch when a whole bunch of evil thugs mugged him, and one of them said, “He’s like a %$*&ing castle!”) he decided to call himself Casbah, referring to the North African castle. His costume (which is further developed in the second sketch) is based mainly on North African styles, the cloak and the tunic, he has Persian riding boots, and the dagger is somewhat Arabo-Persian, whereas the double-bladed sword was inspired by the sword of the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Ali (ra). this!

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