i don’t get this
i’m so sleepy
i got over ten hours of sleep last night
but i’m so sleepy now
i can’t concentrate
but i don’t want to take a nap, or that’ll throw off my whole plan for a consistent schedule (which i REALLY do need)
so hopefully i can wake up according to my new schedule (6:00 am) and get my work done …
(watch everyone laughing at me)
well at least there’s no one online at that time asking for advice, or for help on using “ponder” in a sentence, or wondering why the sky is azure blue, or why fools fall in love
so i can just get my work done without any distractions
i could also just close my computer now
but that’s really out of the question…
i can work without computers, that’s fine, but not without the web
you should see me when my net connection goes down at home
i’m jumping all over the place trying to get it working like a maniac
and can’t do anything till it comes back online
if there’s one thing i’m addicted to, it’s the net
nothing else
nothing else whatsoever am i addicted to
except being redundant

  del.icio.us this!

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